Site Preparation

  • Ensure the ground is level and free of debris.

  • Keep the decking at a minim of 250mm of the ground. If this can’t be achieved we recommend putting a ground cover to prevent weed growth.

Joist Installation

  • Lay out the joists with centres at 462.5mm for 1850mm boards.

  • Secure the joists to the bearer or existing structure using appropriate Galvanised or stainless fasteners. Refer to NZS 3605.

Start with the First Board

  • Begin at one end of the deck frame.

  • Place the first bamboo decking board on the joists.

  • Use a chalk line to set up a datum to ensure it is straight.

  • Secure the board with stainless steel screws at each joist intersection. Pre-drill holes to prevent splitting.

Continue Laying Decking Boards

  • Place the next board adjacent to the first.

  • The clips will Ensure there is a small gap of (around 3-5mm) between boards for expansion.

  • The clips will be like spacers to maintain consistent gaps.

  • Fasten each board with screws-clips at every joist.


Cutting Boards to Fit:

  • Measure and mark boards that need cutting to fit the ends.

  • Use a saw to cut the boards to the required length.

  • Ensure cut edges are smooth and free of splinters.

  • You can use water based oil to seal ends of cuts.

Securing the Last Board:

  • The last board may need to be trimmed to fit.

  • Secure it in the same manner as the previous boards, ensuring a snug fit.

  • You may have to directly fix this board.